How enhancing client experience can lead to new business

Red car in driveway of home
Whenever a realtor asks me, “Larry Weltman, how can I get more business?” the first question I reply with is, “Are you maximizing word-of- mouth promotion?”
In today’s content saturated digital world, word-of- mouth referrals and recommendations reign supreme. More than ever, people value the opinions of friends and family members to guide them in the right direction.
According to a Nielsen Global Trust in Advertising Survey, 92 percent of people trust recommendations from friends and family, while 70 percent reported trusted opinions found online. An additional 58 percent trust the information they find in editorials.
The power of word of mouth advertising goes beyond influencing just friends and family. In a survey done by McKinsey & Company, researchers found word-of- mouth influenced as much as half of all purchasing decisions made.
“Marketing-induced consumer-to- consumer word-of- mouth generates more than twice the sales of paid advertising,” notes the report.
For independent realtors who work on a tight budget, the realization that you can generate as much, if not more, business by harnessing the power of your clients can be career changing. Of course, good word-of- mouth hinges on excellent client service.

Make Working With You Easy

Clients need know that they are valued and appreciated. The best way to foster this early on in the relationship is to be available and to provide open lines of communication. The buying and selling process can stir up a lot of emotions and even more questions. Clients respond best when a realtor is readily available at a moment’s notice and takes the time to listen to their concerns and opinions.
There are a variety of services available to make the communication process easier for realtors. Zipwire allows users to streamline their customer service with tools like Web Callback and click-to-chat. Zipwire can also be programmed to enhance lead generation and conversions with automated outbound dialing and after-call surveys.

Maintain Relationships

Realtors spend a lot of time with clients during the buying and selling process. However, after that, the relationship can go dormant. Don’t let all your hard work go to waste. Engage clients by sending out a monthly or seasonal newsletter featuring home ownership tips or neighborhood news. This will keep you as a realtor front and centre in the minds of clients when friends ask about a realtor they can refer.

Become a Niche Master

Drumming up new business is key to a realtor’s ongoing business, but not everyone is buying houses all the time. Realtors should be versed inside and out about a specific topic, like energy efficient homes or technologically advanced homes or up and coming areas.
Once a realtor has developed this knowledge, use social media and blogs to write posts and content about the topic. This will ensure when those looking into those topics search for them online they find you.
Once you have truly evaluated and, if needed, improved your customer service experience, ask for recommendations and referrals from your client base and display them on your personal website.